Our Vision
To help support single mothers as they seek to raise their children. This includes but is not limited to emergency expenses, back to school supplies, activities, counseling, Christmas gifts, utility expenses, etc.

Purpose & Mission
To encourage and restore hope to low income working single mothers and their children by providing community support and Biblical encouragement. We believe that being pro-life means supporting the mother beyond the birth of the baby. Though it is our policy to help single mothers who are working, there are some exceptions. Should a mother not be employed due to a disability or having a child with a significant disability that keeps them from working. We will also help those that are temporarily not working because they are in school or college. We will not assist mothers who are currently addicted to drugs or alcohol. Integrity is our highest virtue of which we seek to uphold. We take seriously the women and children that we are serving, as well as the donors and their sacrifice and generosity in helping us.
Our Story
In the summer of 2012 I met a young single mom who had one child and was pregnant with another. We began to visit frequently and as I got to know her and walk beside her through the birth of her second baby, my heart grieved for her. She had a very hard upbringing that explained many of her choices. She was working 12 hour shifts at night, coming home to dress her children, get them to school and daycare, then return to sleep throughout the day in order to prepare for the next night. She was living in a situation that was not healthy but she didn’t have the money to be on her own, nor did she have the help to care for her children at night while she worked. Over the course of a few months, God began to call my family to invite her to live with us so she could save enough to get a place of her own. We would also be able to help with her children. This period of time changed all of our lives! We watched her work tirelessly and save in every way she could. It was simply not enough! She didn’t complain or ask for help. But it broke my heart and help was all I wanted to do!
Over the course of time, I began to meet other single moms. Women who were widowed. Women who were abandoned by their husbands. Women who were divorced. Women who had only known to raise their children alone. Grandmothers raising grandchildren. They were working and doing everything they could but there simply wasn’t enough left at the end of the month. We began by providing Christmas gifts for the children of these hard-working single mothers in order that these moms could simply be able to enjoy that holiday without worry. But as we continued to get to know them, we learned just how much they needed help. They don’t want to ask for help and they don’t want pity. They are strong women who want to be independent in every way, yet they are suffering silently.
For many years now, we have continued to provide Christmas gifts for the children of hard-working single mothers. In the days, weeks, and years ahead it is our hope to be able to help with other expenses that will assist them as they work tirelessly to raise strong, healthy and hope filled children. We most certainly cannot do this without your help. Thank you for considering donating to help these moms and their children. Please visit the Donations tab to learn more about donating.
Our Team

Tanya Dean
After inviting a single mom and her children to live with my family and me, our lives changed as our love grew in our desire to help and bring hope to this family. It has been said, “You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.” I find this to be true and believe Jesus has a way of miraculously stretching our hearts as He calls us to extend our hands.

Lanie Dean
I have a passion for helping children and believe early intervention is critical for physical, mental and emotional health. My mom, Tanya, and I started this ministry when I was 13yo after a single mom and her children lived with our family. We grieved over seeing how hard this mom worked but could hardly make ends meet and had little to nothing left over for emergency expenses.

Charlotte Jones
Serving with Hope4Hearts has been an amazing opportunity to witness God move among His people in HUGE ways: the provision of donors God has sent in many miraculous ways, volunteers who give freely of their time and talents, churches coming together to serve these families and provide them HOPE along their journey. What a blessing and privilege it has been to be part of this ministry!

Rebecca Griffin
I enjoy making memories with my family, listening to music, and helping others. Hope4hearts spoke to my heart. I love that they seek to love on, encourage, and serve single mothers who often feel discouraged and struggle despite their best efforts to provide for their families alone.

Nicole Woody
Social Media
I was born to the most amazing Mama when she was 16yrs old. She was single for several years and worked hard to take care of us. We were blessed by a family that helped encourage us and take care of me so she could work. Not all single Mothers are this lucky. Being a single Mom is a hard and challenging thing. I want to help any way I can!

Laura Smith
Social Media
Serving with Hope4Hearts is such an honor! I’ve learned quickly that while all of our stories are different, the emotions attached are the same. We all struggle and feel invalidated at some point. We all need a little extra love and encouragement from time to time. I pray our moms are always reminded of their worth through Christ and His unconditional & abundant love for them!

Shannon Gorman
I started working with Hope 4 Hearts after walking through a time period where I witnessed the brokenness of the Foster Care system. I love that Hope 4 Hearts meets single mothers where they are with the love of God and extreme compassion. It’s been a blessing to witness how they strive to meet these mother’s needs and aim to elevate them for a better tomorrow.

Melanie Merrin
Community Service
When I was 7 years old my dad left my mom, my little brother & me to pursue a different life. I saw how difficult it was for my mom working multiple jobs and trying to go to school at night. The work that Hope 4 Hearts does is so important! I’m blessed to be a small part of that. Everyone on this team brings something that is unique & important to our mission….. I love that!

Melissa Sheppard
I have experience being a single mom and know how great the demands can be. Many times things can be overwhelming. I was fortunate to have support and love from my parents but understand not all moms have that. It was through teaming up with Tanya to help a young mom in crisis, I decided this was a good fit for me and I wanted to be more involved!

Kristan Wiggins
Mom Mentor
I was once one of these moms. I knew nothing about the organization or where to even start. Tanya heard my story and my desire to help and took me under her wing, speaking nothing but positivity into me. She has been such an encouragement. It is a blessing to be able to help and encourage these moms. I can’t wait to see what all Jesus does for them!

Rebekah Butler
Mom Mentor

Chrystin Beers
Mom Mentor
Serving and encouraging moms who are raising the next generation seems like such an impactful opportunity. We are called to love God and love people and I can’t think of a better way to help a family start a legacy of love. I’m excited to positively impact our community and start generational change through the empowerment of moms.

Gena Pyle
Christmas Event Organizer
My heart is very tender towards those that feel lost and hopeless and invalidated. My heart breaks for women who feel they have no value and feel insignificant because of their circumstances or their choices. I love having the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus and show others they were created for a purpose and THERE IS HOPE!

Kim Godfrey
Designer/Resume Writer
As soon as I heard about Hope4Hearts, I knew I had to get involved. I know from experience how difficult and overwhelming it is to be a single mother. I’m a firm believer that we are all sisters, daughters of our Heavenly Father, and are on this earth to lift and support one another. When I saw what this amazing organization was in need of that I could provide, I quickly jumped on board!